Sunday, July 27, 2008


i am leaving for the week i am going on a camp. it is the big event. we are going to be white water rafting and lots of others stuff. it is going to be fun. i will be back thursday.


the weather here is really bad. there is lots of lightning and rain. the bachs are over and we are updating our blogs. there is nothing to do cause our parents won't let us do anything. so we are really bored.

Scout Camp

hey i just got back from scout camp. it was way fun. the staff there were awesome. i am thinking of working there. yeah i got 4 almost 5 merit badges it was fun. i went with a bunch of little kids so i was the oldest there. it was cool being the oldest one. well i am going on another camp this week.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mom gets carried away

My mom set this up, but don't worry I'll update it soon and make it my own. My mom got carried away while I was at scout camp. See ya soon.